Souvenirs from China

I wanted to show you the souvenirs I bought during my trip to China because they are not your typical souvenirs. I like to buy things from my trips, but I’m not a knick-knack kind of person. These are more fun!

From the Stanley Market which is a touristy, beachy, resort area on the opposite side of Hong Kong Island from the city:

Chinese Chop storage boxThat is the beautiful storage box for this:

Chop-ink-stampIt’s called Chinese chop or seal, which is a signature stamp with my name engraved in the bottom.  Those Chinese characters show what my name (or the year I was born) means in Chinese characters. That little porcelain dish is an ink well – isn’t that beautiful? I was born in the year of the monkey, so that’s a monkey on the top of my stamp. 

year of the monkey chop

From the Pearl Market, I bought this double-strand of pearls! OMG! I never thought I was a pearl girl, but I LOVE these. And I’m not saving them for special occasions – I will even wear them with t-shirts.

Pearls from the Pearl Market(a string of pearls and matching earrings for $30USD)

(bonus-a pretty silk drawstring pouch)

pearl strand and dangling earrings(I love these too – multi-color pearls and dangly earrings for about $15 USD)

From the Jade Market, I bought these two bracelets, which go nicely with that cool green necklace I bought at the pearl market:

green necklace and jade bracelets(green necklace and jade bracelets for a couple USD)

From the Leather Market, I bought a couple LeSportsac bags:

my new LeSports Sac bag - Pirates!(check out that girly pirate fabric – I love it cuz it’s whacky!)

my new autumn-themed Le Sports Sac bag(this one is a great size for lunches)

From the charity store, I bought this embroidered picture, which shows a typical scene from China, laundry hanging out to dry. I love the colors and the charm of this piece. I also love that it was made by a handicapped child who receives support from this charity.

laundry embroidery

That’s all! Thanks for letting me show off my pictures and my purchases, made in China!

Recap of My Trip to China – Part 2

This is part 2 of my recap of my trip to China…

My sister lives in Guangzhou a city of 10 million people, a two-hour train ride from Hong Kong, bustling with high rise apartments, shopping plazas, chaotic traffic congestion, trees and flowers planted on roadsides, streets full of garage shops and food stalls, located on the Pearl River which is a major southern port for commerce, making the city a major foreign trading community for world markets and export fairs. It’s home to the famous Canton Fair, a twice-a-year expo where foreign corporations go to export merchandise.

my sister's lush neighborhood(the lush neighborhood at my sister’s complex)

the lake at Castle Hill(the lake at my sister’s complex)

housing at my sister's complex(the housing in my sister’s complex)

The Smiths at Castle Hill(my sister and her family – aren’t they fabulous?!)

my sister shopping at the fruit market(my sister shopping at the fruit market)

On our first full day in Guangzhou, we toured these beautiful botanical gardens, which are right in the middle of a busy business and residential district. Palm trees, hibiscus flowers, azalea bushes, waterfalls, and more. It was surprisingly lush and peaceful.

lush botanical gardens

(reflection pond)

beautiful scene!

(beautiful scene!)

Mom's stoney path(check out this cool path – the stones looked hand laid)

azalea bush(we saw these azalea bushes everywhere)

double hibiscus flower(double hibiscus flower)

The next day, my sister took us to an Indian cooking class at a new Indian restaurant recently opened by friends of hers. That was neat because we got to try the dishes as we were making them and we also learned a little about Indian customs.

The next day we went to Guangzhou Baiyun Leather Market – a wholesale market full of (replica) bags.  I bought two LeSportsac bags, which I will show in another post.

The Guangzhou Baiyun Leather Market

(the leather/purse market)

MK and Terri at Starbucks(notice the Chinese characters for Starbucks above the doorway)

The end of that first week was my sister’s turn to host her International Craft Group, which was fun to meet her friends from all over the world who are expats living in Guangzhou. There was knitting, crochet, sashiko, hand quilting, and a lot of chatting. In the afternoon, we went to the wholesale Highsun Fabric Market, which I loved, of course.

For our second weekend in China, we took a road trip to Foshan – old pottery town where ceramics, pottery and tile are produced.

my mom and I at the Foshan pottery market(my mom and I at the pottery market in Foshan)

We took a walking tour of Guangzhou with my sister’s International group, where we saw busy streets, alleyways, garage shops, laundry hanging everywhere, and tried traditional dim sum, which is like a Chinese version of appetizers.

side streets of Guangzhou(typical side street)

another side street(here’s another example)

typical bike load(typical load on a bike)

typical laundry scene(typical scene of laundry hanging out to dry)

octopus tentacles on a stick!(octopus tentacles on a stick, anyone?!)

busy streets

(busy shoppers)

restaurant for dim sum(restaurant where we had dim sum)

My sister taught me how to play mahjong. We only had time for one game, so I still have a lot more to learn.

mahjong players

Another day we toured the Pearl Market, the Jade Market, the Antique Market, a pedestrian mall, and Shamian Island, a pristine and peaceful neighborhood where many of the embassies used to be located and where many families adopting babies stay during their transition period.

inside the wholesale pearl market(inside the wholesale pearl market)

vendor at pearl market(just one vendor at the pearl market)

another pearl vendor(and another pearl vendor)

jade market pillar(pillar at the Jade Market)

One day we went on a cultural tour of Guangzhou, which included Yuexiu Park, the Guangzhou Art Museum, lunch at the China Hotel, and a tour of a mausoleum.

Five Rams Statue

(Guangzhou’s famous Five Rams statue)

my mom in the city park(my mom in the park)

GZ Art Center

(GZ Art Center, which had a beautiful display of Cantonese embroidery)

the flower of Guangzhou(the flower of Guangzhou – we saw these trees all over the city)

busy pedestrian street(busy pedestrian mall)

Chinese lanterns framing pedestrian mall(Chinese lanterns framing the pedestrian mall)

For our final day in Guangzhou, we toured Qing Ping Market, which is an outdoor market selling bizarre foods (from dried sea horses to star fish, dried frogs to flies, a lot more I didn’t want to know about). We also went back to the Pearl Market, and shopped at IKEA for kitchen goodies for my sister.

My mom and I took the train to Hong Kong to catch our flight home. Speaking of the flight, OMG!  Fourteen hours on a plane!  We watched four movies, ate three meals, took at least two naps, read a book, played cards, did crossword puzzles, and walked up and down the aisles.

It was worth the pain to see another part of the world and to reunite with my sister and her family!  Stay tuned… I have one more post of my favorites from the trip!