15 Minutes of Play – Crazy Patchwork

I am really enjoying setting aside 15 minutes to work on a new idea, try a new technique, or just mess around with my fabrics and scraps.

Last Friday night, I was feeling unmotivated and unfocused, but I didn’t feel like going to bed at 9:30. So I decided to make Victoria’s crazy patchwork tutorial, a block I’ve always wanted to try. I was excited to find a pile of scrap fabrics left over from this quilt. Since most of my scraps were strips, I ended up with a sort of hybrid crazy patch/wonky log cabin!

I love this idea of creating a new piece of beautiful fabric from treasured bits and pieces. That larger block above ended up being a 16-inch square, and the smaller block below ended up being a 10-inch square block. This was the sneak-peak I gave you earlier this week.

You can see the difference in size of these two blocks here:

I felt so much better having made something fun on a Friday night instead of being lazy, especially since I’m already using the larger block for a new bag experiment, always energizing for me.

19 thoughts on “15 Minutes of Play – Crazy Patchwork

  1. I am going to have to breakdown and do something like that. I love both those blocks. Anyone that knows me knows how much fabric I have and lots of scraps. That will make a really cool bag. Can’t wait to see it.
    Have fun in class today!!!

  2. I think that’s a great thing to do… I did a similar thing, but with paper/collage/drawing, etc, in a small “for whatever” art journal. It’s never meant to turn into anything… just a way to be creative without judgment.

    By the way, have you ever thought of making a fabric journal? Your beautiful squares remind me of covers to a fabric journal. I want to make one!!! 🙂

  3. I love these, the colors are GREAT and I especially think the light blue with the pink dots and yellow in it looks Asian. Can’t wait to see the finished bag:)

  4. Very pretty Terri! I love the idea of “fifteen minutes” of play!

    But how do you stop playing in fifteen minutes? It looks so much fun I would continue playing! (I know I was one of those kids that had a hard time coming in from playing outside when Mom called us in…hehheh!)

    I just love your color choices….how does one learn about color theory for quilting…maybe a good tutorial out there in blog land?

    1. Thanks Pattiann. No, I don’t set a timer, so my 15 minutes of play can range from 30 minutes to hours. The idea is just to start out with an experiment or new idea, rather than plugging away at a pattern or the same old thing. It’s a way to be free, do some improv, or play with some scraps.

      I have taken several color theory classes at my local quilt shop. They were helpful, but I find books on color, and the color wheel, more helpful. I also had a section in my graphic design class about color, which was great fun. The interior design/decorating section at the bookstore has great books on color. And the paint store is another great source of color inspiration. Brandi of http://brandi-girl.blogspot.com/ is a color rockstar, so maybe you could follow her blog? She is a big inspiration to me!

      I just Googled “color theory” and found these cool sites that might be helpful for reference: http://www.colormatters.com/colortheory.html and http://www.tigercolor.com/color-lab/color-theory/color-theory-intro.htm What it comes down to for me regarding color choices is usually how I react emotionally to a color or color combination, the mood I’m going for with a project. Hope that helps a little.

  5. I LOVE them! I mean, I love all Good Folks, but I REALLY love them! They’re so bright and happy 🙂

    I’ve been trying to sew a little each day as well. Last night I got 4 coordinating burp cloths sewn up to go with my best friend’s baby quilt!

  6. OH MY GOODNESS! I love this block….You’re inspiring me to do 15 min. of play 5 times a day after I hunt down all these pretty fabrics. Just beautiful Terri 🙂

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