Getting Organized

I am on a mission – a mission to get my fabric stash re-organized. You know me, I just spent the past way-too-many years working as a paralegal, so I can’t help but be an organized person.

I do have to admit I have let my fabric stash go a little wild, well, okay, maybe just not organized enough for my preference. I think it has been more fun to just enjoy spending time in my sewing room and not worry about my how my stash is organized.

After spending a recent weekend with a good sewing friend, I discovered great fabrics I didn’t even know I owned. Hmm, we decided it was time for me to organize my fabric stash.

I bought some new storage bins.

Now I have drawers for solid fabrics and solid scraps.

A drawer for special fabrics like voile and flannel.

A drawer for novelty fabrics.

A bin for Christmas fabrics and a bin for Christmas scraps.

I spent a little time lately making some new storage cubes.

I even have some fabric buckets with bling to store snippets, trimmings, and tools!

I also have a stylish place to store my snippets (very small scraps) for a future ticker tape quilt.

I still need to take the time to organized the rest of my fabrics, which I will probably do by color.

I’m happy for now to have at least taken inventory and re-learn what’s actually in my stash.

30 thoughts on “Getting Organized

  1. i am super inspiring terri! it sounds great to look at an organized stash of fabrics!

    i need to organize mine—-bad! it’s because i have been going through it a lot lately and it’s all over, totally mixed up. need more room though.

  2. Oooooh Terri!!! You are amzing – you have made fantastic fabric-cubes and ’round’ ones! Your new stores are great and mostly I’m grazy about all that nice ‘stuff’ you have in your boxes and selves!!! So much beautiful fabrics ! I shall see long time dreams about them!
    Love Teje

  3. Wow! Look at you go, Terri! Great job!!

    Very inspiring to see…. I will have to give it a go in my craft room, too. It’s hard without proper furniture, but I’ll just have to be extra organized!

    Nice to see you using the cigar box!! 🙂 Yay!


  4. i’m organized too so i get you, it’s way more easy to work and enjoy work when everything around us is tidy.
    i think you did a wonderful job and it must have been fun! you should be proud too of those storage cubes, amazink let me tell you!!!

  5. I ❤ The Container Store…and the organization section at Target…and Lowes…and…I LOVE IT! I keep telling my husband I'm going to organize my sewing room but I never actually get around to it. I have stuff in project boxes, but it quickly got out of control and I have NOTHING for my scraps. Maybe when it gets REALLY cold and I don't want to go hang out on my patio… ANYWAY! It looks GREAT and I REALLY adore those little bling-y cubes and buckets! Fantastic Friday post 🙂

  6. It’s super inspiring just to look at these photos! You have some amazing fabrics in your stash. It’s true that we sometimes we forget about gems we have if we don’t organize enough. I’m also on an organizing kick this long weekend…not just fabric, but my house as well!

  7. Those cubes and buckets are so cute. Great way to keep everything together. I know what you me when you say you need to get it together. When my friend and I cleaned up my craft room we decided we could tell what fabrics I really liked for we would find it more then once. If I would have had some organization I might have not spent money buying the same thing over but spent on another piece of fabric I wished I had.
    How is school going? Are you about done for Hoilday break. A semester almost down!!!

  8. Woo Terri! I love your storage cubes and buckets! Very very much.

    What fabulous stash you have. I have a fraction of your stash (like 1/100th) but even I was struggling to get to grips with mine (I’m not kidding, seriously, all mine would fit into one of your boxes lol) so I totally get how you could lose track of what you’ve got there :0)

    It’s great getting a peek at your stash and even better to see how you are organising it – gives me a few ideas for my own – thanks xx

  9. I’m glad you organized just to have a chance to look at all your pretty fabric. Did it make you want to start some new projects?

  10. You have so much fabric! I bet it feels really good to have it all nice and organized. I need to take a page out of your book, apparently, because my fabric stash is a huge mess.

  11. oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh pretty fabrics in all those piles. Great job Teri. You did a lot of work. I did all that about a year ago and it took me about 2 weeks of work doing it every single day. I am super organized and can’t stand things out of place although if you saw my room right now, you’d call me a liar. LOL I know when I was done it felt great so I’m sure you are thrilled too.

    It took me so long because I completely changed everything and the way it was stored in my room.

  12. Hello Terri

    All I can say is “God Bless You”. I just loved this post,now can you please save your pennies to come by my home and help me!!!

    Just love your colourful stash photo’s. Inspiration at its best.

    Have a fantastic weekend.

    Happy days.

  13. Dearest sweet terri, your fabric stash are sooo yummieeee!! You do have such wonderful collection! Makes me wanan go shop for more fabrics. 🙂 I was just organizing my supplies the other day…it was lots of fun! I love how you organize your fabrics….so inspiring! Have a lovely merry happy weekend and love to you!

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  15. Love all your bins of fabric 😉 I don’t have that much fabric but I do have that much paper so I understand the want of keeping all the scraps and having them accessible. I use alot of your same storage strategies for my papers…and I could very easily start the same obession for fabrics as I have for fabrics…but I’m controlling myself for once.

    Thanks for sharing, fondly, Roberta

  16. How did I miss this?!? Your stash looks heavenly:) I’ve been looking for desktop storage for smalls tools and your cubes and little buckets are perfect.
    I don’t stay on top of my sewing room as I should and it gets disgusting before I straighten it. That’s what I’ve been doing for the last few days. You must be sending me organization vibes:)

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